Sunday, November 05, 2006

But You Promised

Today, while watching marathon runners jog down 4th AVE and listening to Claire and Dubbs shout out to every runner with a Texas flag/Runtex/UT jersey on, I thought of an idea for Reagan's b-day present. I'm gonna print her a custom shirt:
On another note, no residents from any other states felt it necessary to rep their homes on their jerseys. And there certainly weren't people rooting on Montanans from the sidelines. Fucking Texas...


Christopher said...

I want one. I know I have on similar... but mine doesn't exclaim "Fuckin' Yankee Cocksucker..."

Anonymous said...

I keep telling you, Texas isn't a place, it's a state of mind.


kelly said...

My uncle always runs (including NYC this year) with an Alaska running shirt on. He likes it when people yell encouragingly at him along the way.

I agree with your dad.