Still hard at work on websites and general design projects with all that is left of my free time. Yesterday, I walked around Brooklyn for a few hours, camera in hand, to recharge the creative batteries. I've been compiling a library of visual inspiration that will serve as a) a reference point and b) a catalyst for ideas.
I'm also trying to brush up on some technical skills. For the longest time, I've used Photoshop for all of my drawing/design needs. I have Illustrator but I haven't taken the time to learn to use it properly, a travesty considering it'll likely cut production time in half as well as yielding a more polished final product. But that is being remedied. Next up is Quark.
My tax return is filed away, safe and sound, and a windfall of refunds are whisking their way to my checking account. In addition to responsible obligations to my savings account and accrued debt, I intend to use a bit of that bread to further some design ambitions. Possibilities include a screen printing course, customized 1" buttons in a myriad of designs and "Racism Is Gay" shirts. Put your hands together for merchandising!
It's back to the grindstone for me. For about a month and a half I've been filming and editing shorts with Jon and Brett for the soon-to-launch Cracked Out site. At the moment I'm compiling footage for the CRACKTION MOVIE which I think may be one of the funniest things I've ever edited. Seriously, this video will be one for the ages. Say it with me now: THE MOTHERFUCKING CRACKTION MOVIE!